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  • Sun, Oct 13th

  • Sun, Oct 6th

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm

Upcoming Events

  • Altar
  • Easter Altar 2023
  • St Roman Parish in summer
  • Pieta grotto
  • St Roman Grade School entrance
  • St Roman Parish Offices in summer
  • St Roman corner stone 1958
  • St. Roman Church
  • Statue of Risen Christ
  • Statue of St Roman
  • Statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe
  • Stations of the Cross
  • St Roman Church Entrance
  • St Roman Parish in winter
  • St Roman Parish Offices in winter

Who is St. Roman?

Did you know that August 9th is the Feast of our patron Saint?  St. Roman is relatively unknown.  We do not know his actual name.  He originally was referred to as the Roman Saint and later the name just reversed and became St. Roman.

He was a policeman, correctional officer, civil servant, who was serving in Rome at the time when St. Lawrence had been imprisoned for his refusal to surrender the treasury of the Roman Church to the Empire.

As Roman beheld the endurance and fortitude of St. Lawrence during his persecution and marveled at his virtuous courage and heroic patience, St. Roman was so inspired that he approached the Holy Martyr and asked to be received in the Faith.  St. Lawrence first gave the necessary instructions to St. Roman and then he baptized him in the prison.  This brave young man then publicly proclaimed his conversion to Christianity to his fellow policemen, and he was immediately arrested and convicted.

St. Roman thereupon received the crown of martyrdom by being beheaded on August 9, 258, the day BEFORE the execution of St. Lawrence.


Lord, Send forth your Spirit and Renew the face of the earth!